What a day. Joe and I did a little running around in the morning,some last minute things to pick up for tomorrow.Then we headed back to the house got Nana and the kids and headed into town to the mall.We went and saw the Easter Bunny,had the kids pics taken.That went okay,they're both looking at the camera.Jacob was smiling as usual but with his squinty eyes, and well Jenna has this look on her face like do I really have to smile.It's still cute though. We decided to grab a quick bite to eat for dinner and since Jacob was such a champion eater he got to go on the carousel with Nana. He really loves it.
We then headed back home to do some egg dying.What an adventure this was.We really didn't let the kids do to much last year.We decided to let them just kind of have at it this year. WOW! First off I put shirts on both of them that if they got dye on them it would be okay. I sure am glad I did this.When you see Jenna's pic you'll see why. We had a lot of fun anyway. The kids can't wait for tomorrow.They are really excited for the Easter Bunny coming and hunting for eggs.Jacob made sure we left carrots out for the Bunny.Hope everyone has a good Easter tomorrow.
Okay this is SO weird. We were at Dulles yesterday too!! AGAIN!! We're going to have to start calling each other when we go!! :) Hope you all had a fabulous Easter!!
I have yet to dye eggs with Michael....Next year, maybe. It looks like so much fun!! Hope your Easter was great. : )
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