***I changed our slide show a bit as I noticed I was having problems with the previous one?***
I've made a little slide show from last weekend.On Thursday we enjoyed a little time outside in the nice weather.Then we played a new game that is now his favorite Flippin' Frog Game.We have played this game at least once a day (usually more like 20 times) since we got it on Thursday.On Friday Daddy only worked a half a day since it was the day before his Bday. We met in Leesburg and then went to Fox Cinemas in Ashburn to see Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who.

We loved this movie it was really cute. Jacob was perfect he sat in his chair the entire movie and never once got up. He sat eating his M&M's and popcorn.Jenna on the other hand did very little sitting she mostly stood, but she did stand and watch the movie.Joe and I really enjoyed the movie,it was a very cute story. Saturday we went to
Haymarket to the big Egg Drog Easter Egg Hunt that some of our neighbor's also went to.The kids liked it and were glad that some of their friends were there.But like
Kelly said we will be finding a different Egg Hunt for next year.There was a lot of kids there and some did not get any eggs,it was a little sad. After we left the Egg Hunt we went to The Fair Oaks Mall and had lunch at one of our favorite places
The Cheesecake Factory. This is a pretty new location, we liked it. We have been to a couple of CCF's that we haven't liked, so they're all not the same. All in all we had a great weekend,and we are really looking forward to this coming weekend...Easter! Hope everyone else had a good weekend.Oh and here's the slide show.......
That is so funny....We have the Flippin Frogs game too!!! Johnny just loves it!!
We'll have to let the kids play together!!
I have never been to Fox Cinemas. The prices are ridiculous. Yikes:(
What is wrong with the world??:)
Yes the prices are ridiculous,but thank goodness Jenna was free.Also it was a matinee time so it was a little cheaper.This was the first time we went to the movies as a family since Jenna was like 5 months old or so.Fox Cinemas is a really nice theater,always really clean,too.
We're defintely going to have to let the boys play the frog game together,they'll have a blast.
I miss having younger children sometimes. I wanna play flippin frogs! One of my favs to play with my son was Lucky Ducks. We had a blast playing that. Then the next fun one was Guess Who. I could still sit down and play them.
Your montage is awesome! You really have some neat shots of the eggs being dropped from the helicopter.
Have a great day!!!
Jamie, I am sorry we missed seeing y'all after the Egg hunt so we could do lunch together, but I am glad y'all had a good time!
Sounds like a packed weekend. I'm curious about why you all spend so much time in NOVA. Clearly there is more going on, but were you originally from that area? I love the CCF at FairOaks, it is so huge inside and set up nice. Thanks for the rec on the movie, I so wanted to see that last weekend, but it didn't work out!
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