Those of you who have not had the privilege to try the most incredible burger in the world I am so sorry. I LOVE LOVE In-N-Out burger. Of all the things that I miss the most in California besides my family and my friends I would have to say this is it. In-N-Out burger, oh their mouth watering cheeseburgers, french fries oh and I can't forget the ice cream shakes. They only have locations in California of course, parts of Arizona and parts of Nevada like the Vegas and Reno areas.

Why am I talking about these delectable burgers when they are oh so far away? It's because in about a month Joe has a business trip in Las Vegas, Nevada. The kids and I will be tagging along and we will spend a few days in Cali with my parents and then the rest of the time in Vegas. We will be there for about a week. Now normally when we go it's like a four day trip or so. In those four days I usually try and have In-N-Out at least two times. Now that we will be there for an entire week I will get to have it many more times. I've already checked and there are SEVEN locations in the Vegas area, yeah for me! I cannot wait to have one of those juicy cheeseburgers and those delicious hand cut french fries.
So those of you that are not from this area of the country and have not had the opportunity to eat at INO, if you're ever on the west coast please, oh please do not forget to have an In-N-Out burger. I hope I haven't made everyone to terribly hungry :)
Oh my goodness Jamie......My stomach is rumbling for a big juicy burger now and it's not even 9:00 in the morning!! :)
O. I LOVE INO...they are the best!! I have eaten there many times and it's my FAV too. 5 Guys comes close...but nothing compares to that. We go when we go home for Thanksgiving....LOVE IT!!
Thanks for the memories.
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