This is the sequel to
"National Treasure" and those of you who have seen this know that a little of the first one took place at the
Library of Congress in D.C where Joe works. Well the sequel also has some footage that was taken at the LOC. This movie has about 15 minutes or so of the LOC in it, I know not very much but it did take about 3 to 4 days to make this little bit of film.
National Treasure: Book of Secrets comes out to the movies on Friday 12-21-2007. For some of the LOC employees that were some how or another involved in helping Disney out while they were there filming, they were invited to a private screening of this fantastic movie.

That's where Joe and I were Monday night in D.C at The
Uptown Theatre. Before we went to the movie we ate dinner at
The Cheesecake Factory just a few miles up the road from the theatre. The CCF is one of our favorite places to eat and we really don't get to eat there as often as we used to since we don't live as close anymore. After dinner we hopped on the Metro and rode it three stations down to the Theatre. We don't really get to the movies too often especially without the kiddos. The last movie we saw was the Harry Potter movie that came out over the summer. But the movie that we saw before that without any kids was
"ELF" with Will Ferrell, I believe I was pregnant with Jacob then. This was also the first time Joe and I went to any movie where there was free popcorn, soda and water. It was great all the popcorn,water and soda we wanted, we were like kids he,he! One other cool thing was that one of the Executive Vice Presidents for Disney was there at this screening. He did a little speech before the movie along with the
Librarian of Congress but I have since forgotten the VP's name,opps! As for the movie it was great if you haven't seen the first one watch it first. It's not totally necessary but it doesn't hurt to watch it. Joe and I watched #1 for a refresher on Saturday evening. All in all we had a really great date night together, one that was well deserved. After we left the movie and hopped back on the metro we made a quick stop at the Cheesecake Factory for some dessert to eat on the way home. My favorite cheese cake is
The Chocolate Tuxedo Cheesecake and no at this price I did not get the whole thing. I had a slice of that one and Joe had a slice of Craig's Crazy Carrot Cake Cheesecake, he always likes to try a different one, I like to stick with my favorite.
So if you can get out to see a movie we definitely recommend you going out and seeing this one, it might be hard since Christmas is just one short week away. Ikes, I still haven't wrapped a single present and still need to take an inventory to see if I've forgotten anything or anyone. I do know I still need to pick a couple of things for Daddy but I will not mention what they are since he will probably be reading this at some point before Christmas. Sorry Honey!Love You! I will try and make my next post about Jacob's birthday party but I can't promise anything. But for now I would like to say Thank You to everyone who was able to make it even though the little jitterbugs had colds. And also Thank You for the wonderful gifts for Jacob and I will get his thank you's out soon.
I am SO glad you guys had a good time and that the movie was good!!! I am so jealous. I LOVED the first movie!!
What an awesome date night!!:)
I LOVE jenna's dress....it is Beautiful!!
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