Yes we traveled a little again but for good reason. For these YUMMY doughnuts. This is our third time having these doughnuts.Our first time experiencing these yummy concoction's was last year when we went to Ocean City. They have a lot of locations in Md,and so far only one in Va,and lots more popping up all over the place.The Fractured Prune started in Ocean City you can read all about them at their website.They basically are a doughnut shoppe where you create your own doughnut and they make them. All the doughnuts are always served hot,yummy. In addition to you creating your own doughnuts they have featured flavors,speciality doughnuts they call them. I haven't tried a lot of these but the ones I have tried have been very good. This time I got to pick out four of the six doughnuts.Two were chocolate glazes with rainbow sprinkles (b/c I love this kind of doughnut and just in case the kids decided they wanted some.),One was a French Toast doughnut,one was a Rolo doughnut, and Joe picked out a chocolate covered cherry,and one make your own with lemon glaze and graham cracker crumbs.
Time for another part to the story of why we went to The FP........
We decided to take a trip to the Fractured Prune, well I think mainly because I wanted to go two weeks ago or so and we didn't get to go. Oh and also Joe is spoiling me a little,I have been feeling a little under the weather. For the last week and a half or so I have been having a lot of dizzy spells. (NO I am NOT pregnant) I finally went to see my Dr. about this on Thursday and she advised me to go to the ER for faster answers and results. So I spent a good part of Thursday afternoon in the Winchester ER,fun right? It turns out what is wrong with me is that right now (temporarily,can't remember the technical name for it) my blood pressure is getting really low and this is causing me to get dizzy. It seems to be the worst when I go from a lying position to a standing position. While at the hospital and doing this my BP dropped 40 points. The good news is that it won't last forever.There's medicine to treat this but they did not give it to me because of the many side effects.Instead I have to make sure I am drinking extra liquids, eating things with salt and not moving too quickly. (Which we all know is so easy with two little ones) If it continues for more than another week I have to go back to the Dr's. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this goes away soon. I still had a little dizziness today but not nearly as bad as the last few days.I know another long story,sorry.
All in all we had a nice road trip and some yummy doughnuts.We are loving the Odyssey.Joe drove it today for our trip and this was really the first time he drove it beside driving me to the hospital yesterday.I think so far my favorite feature is the hands free blue tooth device.I just push a button tell it who to call and it dials. It's so nice to be able to talk and not have to hold my phone the whole time. I also absolutely love my color,I was totally ready for a new color car.Hope everyone has a great weekend.Next up is possibly 100 things about Jamie Fiocca, a post copied from Amy Sweet of The Sweet Family and also Kelly Abel from The Abel Boys, oh and I just noticed that Amy from Watt's Up has also posted. Hopefully I'll be able to come up with 100 things. Until then......

Oh no Jamie. I am so sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope it all starts getting better real soon:)
If you need anything just give me a call!!!
Jamie, I am sorry to hear you've been sick. My Mom went through the same thing for a while and it was kinda scary because a couple times she fell. If you need anything please call us and we will keep you in our prayers!
your husband sounds like a sweetie! he sure does love you.
hope you are feeling better!!
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