Jacob when he feels like it, lately is becoming quite the little poser for pictures. Here's one of him
from this morning, while we were waiting for everyone to come over........
Such a big boy. Everyday I look at the two of them and just wonder where in the world does the time go? They are really growing up too fast. On Wednesday Jacob had his last day of therapy for the school year. We're off for Summer break just like all the other school kids. His teacher/therapist and I were talking about next year. She mentioned that we needed to really make sure early on if one day was going to be enough to have him ready for school. Yikes, I really didn't want to have to think about him starting school already. It is after all a whole other year away. I do however want him to be ready of course. I am hoping that along with his continued therapy and the fact that we are sending to preschool in the Fall, these will both ensure that he is ready for Kindergarten. For those of you who are not aware Jacob goes to speech therapy once a week for his speech delay. He has really progress significantly since he started right before his third birthday. He's really excited about starting preschool in the Fall. He keeps asking me if it's time to go his new school yet. The funniest thing is what he remembers about his new school. When him and I went on our tour of the school one of the 4 year old classes was having a pajama day. All the kids were in their pj's and had brought their blankets to school with them and that's what he keeps asking about. When is he going to get to have a pajama day and get to wear his pj's to school? He cracks me up.
Did I mention that we are currently under construction in Jacob's room? We are in the process of painting, etc. his room, we are making it a fish room. We all know how much he loves fish. As soon as it's all done I will post some pics. We got him this really cute light at Ikea for his new room and also a big boy bed, no more toddler bed.
Just sharing one more pic of Jenna with her cute little shirt I got her at The Gap Outlet. It was perfect for her to wear it today for our play date. In case you can't read it, it says " I Love Play Time." She is pointing to the "L" because it's lellow (yellow). Okay so I've rambled on for long enough, I think I 'm off to bed now. Hope everyone has a great weekend......
1 comment:
Love the pics!!! I think I look forward to playdate just as much as the kids!! It's so nice and relaxing!!....most days anyways :)
I can't wait to see Jacob's "New" room!!
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