Jenna stuffing her face with cupcake----------Jenna and John

Getting ready to watch the fireworks-------Watching the fireworks, love all those little heads

Getting ready to watch the fireworks-------Watching the fireworks, love all those little heads
John, Alyssa, and Jacob A.---------John and Alyssa---------Mommy with her little Angels sleeping
Just a few pics from the 4th of July. I didn't really get a lot of pics from during our indoor BBQ. It rained on and off for most of the evening. The kids spent most of that time in the basement of our friends house with their cousins and friends. After it finally stopped raining and got dark we headed back up the street for fireworks. This year the guys really did a fantastic job. They always do a good job, but they really out did themselves. Now they'll have to aim for even better next year. All kids really enjoyed the show, Jenna and Jacob fell asleep before it was all the way over. They had such a hard fun day. Hope everyone else had a fun and safe holiday.
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