Saturday, August 30, 2008
4 Times.....
Posted by
10:07 PM
Labels: Happiness, Jenna, Mommy and Jenna, My Growing Babies, My Princess
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Meet the Teachers
On their way into school
Posted by
12:25 AM
Labels: Jacob, Jenna, Preschool, Random Thoughts
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Back on Her Own.....
Posted by
12:20 AM
Labels: Jacob and Jenna, My Growing Babies, My Princess, Preschool, Summer
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Treehouse Fun!
Posted by
3:01 PM
Labels: Jacob and Jenna, Pictures, Summer, Weekend Fun
Friday, August 15, 2008
A Birthday Party
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11:17 PM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Batter Up!
A few weeks ago I picked up The ESPN Better Batter Baseball toy for Jacob at our Target here in town. This is normally a $40 toy, but for some reason Target had it on clearance for $19.98. I know, half price how could I pass that up. He was totally into trying the whole baseball thing out. He had never played before. With the visit to Indiana and then John coming to our house, Jacob had his fair share of baseball talk with John around. John LOVES baseball, he's played since he was Jacob's age if not younger. Getting back to the game, Jacob was really excited about us buying him this game to give baseball a try. He did great and he loves it. He's been asking everyday since Daddy set it up for him last week, to play it. This videos only like 40 seconds long or so. His last hit on the video is a pretty good one, if you ask me. He's just too funny when he plays, he's very serious. Below I am going to add a couple of pictures that Daddy took. Just take a look at how serious his face is. Take notice at that little vein in his neck, how it sticks out cause he's giving all of his might. Hopefully next year we'll get to sign him up for some sort of Baseball here in town. Can't wait, he's really got quite a swing going. I just hope he continues to like it as he really hasn't taken to any one sport yet like he has this one.
Posted by
11:24 PM
Labels: Games, Jacob, Pictures, Weekend Fun
Monday, August 11, 2008
Just too Cute.........
Posted by
11:25 PM
Labels: Jenna, Little o' This, My Growing Babies, My Wonderful Husband, Pictures
Friday, August 8, 2008
Just Relax.....
Posted by
10:25 PM
Labels: All about me, My Wonderful Husband
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Business as Usual
While Daddy was in meetings today, Nana and I and the kids headed to the Hagerstown Outlet Mall. I was in need of some good deals for some fall clothes for the kids. We also needed to find some shoes for the kids. We didn't do too bad, I found two pairs of shoes for Jenna, one at the Stride Right Outlet and one at Children's Place. I found one pair for Jacob also at the Stride Right Outlet, they all turned out to be reasonably good prices. We made out the best by far at The Children's Place Outlet. I got Jacob three shirts and Jenna three shirts. Most of which were 50% off the already reduced price. My best deal though was the jeans. They had girls jeans on sale for $2.99. I bought Jenna five pairs of jeans, off those shelves. Three pairs for the coming months and two pairs in 3T for hopefully next year. Did I also mention that I had a coupon for 15% off my entire purchase. The $2.99 jeans actually ended up being $2.55 a pair before tax. I don't know about you, but I have never purchased jeans for that cheap. Needless to say I was very happy with the purchases that I made today at CP. Those of you who have little ones should definitely go check it out, it's worth the drive. The Gap Kids Outlet also had a good deal of stuff on sale, no $2.99 jeans but also some good stuff. I also managed to find myself two new shirts for work for when it gets a little cooler. We didn't get to look everywhere we wanted to, cause I had to get home to go to work, but we still did really well for the amount of time we spent there, at the mall.
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11:38 PM
Labels: Cupcakes, Deals, My Growing Babies, My Wonderful Husband, trips
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Just Hanging Out
Jenna is really becoming quite the "Mommy" to her "Babies." There's usually at least one baby with us at every meal, usually sitting in her booster seat with her making sure that the baby eats too. She also likes to have at least one to go to sleep with her. And just the other day we had to take one of the babies with us in the car when we went bye-bye. Although she does seem to have a small temper problem, too. If her babies don't move exactly the way she wants them to she gets very upset. Joe and I find it just a little funny at times, it's hard not to laugh when she's so angry. Fun Times! Here's some pics from the last few days........................................
Posted by
2:24 PM
Labels: Jacob, Jenna, Parties, Pictures, Summer, Weekend Fun
Friday, August 1, 2008
Give Me Some Peanuts and.......
We had a really good time yesterday. It was a long day, but fun day. The kids and I left the house just after 2pm. We stopped at my friend Nancy's house so that we could follow each other to the Metro station. It was a good thing that we all went together because I don't know that I would have been able to do this all on my own, especially without a stroller. Yes, I went without a stroller cause I didn't think a stroller would have really worked once we got to the stadium. After riding one train and transferring to the green line we finally made it to Nationals Stadium. That's where Daddy met us, he stayed at work for a little longer than usual and then came to the stadium.
Jenna, Mommy and Mia on the Metro
The view from the rooftop------The Center Field Entrance
Nat's practicing while we were eating dinner--------------The score board from our seats
Posted by
8:47 PM
Labels: Family, Friends, Light the Night, Summer