My baby/big boy had his 4 year check up today. We were much more prepared this year than we were at his 3 year appointment. It was like night and day between the two appointments.For a while I had been talking about how we would be going to the doctor's soon because Jacob was now a big boy four year old. He was pretty much okay with it that is until today when I realized he would have to have shots. The last shot he had was in the December and it was his Flu shot.He really didn't like it as it was his first shot in the arm.We didn't really prepare him for it we had went in for Jenna's 18month appt and the doctor asked if we wanted to have him get his Flu shot also. Today in the car I had him all ready for this doctor's visit. We talked about all the things the doctor and nurse would be doing.Checking his weight,height,his heart,his blood pressure (he really hated this last year:(),his ears,nose,etc. oh and we did talk about the possiblity of maybe getting shots.That conversation went something like this.
Jacob: Me get shots?
Mommy: Maybe Baby, there's a real good chance you're gonna have to get shots.
Jacob: uh, me no want shots.
Mommy: I know honey but we have to get shots so we don't get sick.They help prevent us from getting sick.They're good for us even though they hurt for a little bit.It will be okay Mommy will sit with you when you get them.
Jacob: Mama, me no love shots.
Mommy: I know honey, but it will be okay.
Jacob: uh, okay Mama.
It was the cutest, I really love when he says that he loves something, or doesn't love something. My baby is becoming such a big boy. So now for the stats.............
Weight: 38.2 lbs- 75%
Height: 40 inches-50%
The doc says if he keeps growing at this rate he will be about 5"10' definitely taller than his Mommy and Daddy. I can't even imagine my baby boy being taller than me. Time goes by at a blink of an eye,and our kids are growing up too fast.I can only treasure each and every moment that I have with my two babies and every moment that we have together as a family Mommy,Daddy,Jacob,and Jenna. There I go again going off on a tangant,Sorry.
We had a fairly uneventful weekend. We went out to dinner with the kids on Friday and then ran to a few stores Mommy needed to go to. Saturday,wow myself and Joe were talking earlier today and we both don't really remember what we did exactally. I think we went to Costco, and Martin's for a few things. Oh and I did run in a few stores to do a couple of returns. Work on Sunday and that's about it. See uneventful....
Today however along with the doc appointment we were pretty busy.We had our play date this am.The kids really had fun.Then it was into the car and off to the airport to pick up Nana.We then had lunch at Mc Donald's (well the kids did).Then across the parking lot to Jacob's dr appointment.Okay so I am going to go off on another tangant again,sorry.
You know how a couple of weeks ago or maybe it was couple of posts I go I was complaing about the price of milk,well it has since went down but now I'm irrtated about something else. I don't know if every one read my comments to that post but Kelly pointed out that she thinks that some things are more expensive out her because there's no competition. I think I'm more convinced than ever now. I needed gas today while we were in Ashburn and guess what? Our gas here in town is anywhere from $2.95 to $2.99 a gallon. And in Ashburn it's an average of $2.84 but I got gas for $2.79 today. I could not believe that there was such a huge price difference in gas from there to here.So there you are, What do you think about this whole gas thing?
Monday, January 28, 2008
My Big Boy Four Year Old
Posted by
11:31 PM
Labels: Dr Appt., Funny Stories, Jacob
Friday, January 25, 2008
Finally Pictures
Posted by
11:42 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Last Week and a Half....
I have to add a little something here at the top so now my post is completely out of order. I need to ask everyone to say a little prayer for my Grandpa. After talking to my mom yesterday I found out that he had to have yet another Angioplasty. He got through the surgery good and is doing well and hopefully will get to go home today. He has had this done before but for a different artery and swore he would never do one again because of how much pain he was in afterwards. So if everyone could just say a small prayer that he doesn't have a lot of pain and pulls through this with flying colours. Thank so much,
Okay so back to Friday the 11th, Jacob and Nana went to the movies in Martinsburg and they saw The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A Veggietales Movie. Jacob really enjoyed the movie and was so excited to tell Mommy and Daddy about the movie when he got home. After Nana and Jacob got settled in Mommy and Daddy headed out the door, for our reservations that I made for us at a fairly new restaurant in Broadlands. It's called Willow Creek Farm and it's a Clyde's Group Restaurant. The restaurant is in this huge barn I mean huge I have never seen a restaurant this big. I felt like we walked a half of a mile to our table. The food was great and it was pretty reasonably priced.
We had some sad news on Sunday the 13th Joe's Aunt Mary(his mother's sister) passed away. She had been sick for some time and had gotten worse as the week progressed and on Sunday evening passed away. Aunt Mary you will truly be missed.
On this past Thursday the 17th we drove up to Pittsburgh,PA to go to Aunt Mary's services. The weather was really bad on our way up. There was a lot of roads that weren't treated yet and it was still snowing for most of the drive.So we decided that we would not drive home that night as we had originally planned. It was good that we stayed the night we got to see lots of family that we hadn't seen in a long time. Some that Joe hadn't seen in a while and I got to meet a few people I hadn't met before. We took some pictures of most of us but I plan to post those if not tomorrow the next day. I decided going into this post it's going to be a picture free post. Sorry!
The rest of that weekend is kind of a blur now. Any who on Monday the 14th We had our first play date in like a month. The kids had a ball they were so excited to see all of their friends. Jacob and Johnny got this cool new Playhouse for Christmas from Santa. Jenna really loved it she spent most of the time we were there in that little house. I wish I had some pictures from the play date but I don't Daddy accidentally left the camera in his car.
Okay so I know I'm kind of jumping all over here and I'm sorry hopefully I haven't completely confused anyone. We got home in the early afternoon on Friday and just relaxed. Both the kids,Joe and myself came home with parts of a cold. Yuck! Saturday the 19th is kind of a blur also because I had a pretty bad headache all day and spent most of the day on the couch wishing my headache away.he!he!
And well you know all those days in between, most of them I spent at work, Oh and I must mention that price of milk has seemed to go down at least temporarily. I will also mention in this very erratic post that I have had some really bizarre and rude customers at work this past week. Just thought I'd share. I won't get into all the gory details about who did what to piss me off but what a week, I tell ya. I honestly thought we had a full moon everyday there for a while.
Hope everyone else's week was good and I will post some pics soon from our short trip.Hope everyone has a good week and try and stay out of the cold if at all possible.It's been really too cold out, Winter's finally here.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Yummy,Yummy in my Tummy

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1:31 AM
Labels: Rantings, yummy food
Monday, January 7, 2008
I've Been Tagged!
rules on your blog.
Share 5 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
Tag a minimum of 5, maximum of 10 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.The tagees have a choice of which they want to do.
Posted by
11:55 PM
Labels: Random Thoughts, Tagged