On our last day in Indiana with our family we went out on Uncle Andy's boat. We went to this place called Raccoon Lake. The lake water was really high because of recent rains they had. We had a really good time. Jacob especially he loved fishing. He "caught" his first fish with a little help from his cousin John, it was a catfish and yes we let it go. Thanks again John! Jenna pretty much just ate all day long. It was actually pretty funny every time I turned around she was asking someone else for something to eat. Joe did most of the work on this montage as I had my hands full with all the other pics. Hope you enjoy all the pics. We all had a really good time, time went by so quick before we knew it, it was dinner time and time to get off the boat. And of course we had to get up early the next morning to head back home. So here you go Monday June 23rd's fishing trip. By the way, this was also the kids first time fishing.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Gone Fishin'
Posted by
12:21 PM
Sunday, June 29, 2008
My funny little girl....
Jenna is always saying funny things that crack us up. I just have to share this with you all cause not only is it funny but it was also really just too cute. I was standing in the little hallway between our kitchen and our dining room with the light on above me cause it was a little dark. Jenna walked up next to me and stood next to the wall and she saw her shadow. As soon as she saw her shadow she stuck out her finger and pointed at it and said "You get back in me Jenna right now!" It was it her most serious voice. I could hardly stop laughing enough to tell Joe about it.
Now today on the other hand she's just been a handful. I have only been home from work for like three hours and man o' man. Joe said she's been a pistol all day. Just getting into to trouble and not listening at all. What happened in a day? I guess it's toddler hood and these terrible two's. She's keeping us on our toes.
Posted by
9:14 PM
Labels: Funny Stories, Jenna
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Splashin' @ Splash Island
On Sunday we went to the Plainfield Aquatic Center, Splash Island. It's this huge facility with indoor and outdoor things. When we first got there it started to rain so we all had to take cover, under the outside awnings. That's until we discovered there was a kids fun zone type thing inside. Alyssa and I took the kids inside to play. While Daddy, John and Andrew Jr. (Bubbers) decided to play basketball at the indoor courts. I wish I had gotten a picture of them playing ball. I did however manage to get some good pics of the kids playing in the tubes. Alyssa had to go in with Jenna as some of the stuff was a little hard to maneuver through by herself. And lets face it Alyssa is just a little bit smaller than me. Not by much though I'll give her another year and she'll probably be taller than me. After the weather calmed down outside we were given the okay to head back out and into the water. Not only did they have the little play water area for the young ones they also had three fairly good size slide. You had to be at least 48" to ride on those and they also had a huge lap pool with two diving boards. And the best part you ask? It was only $4.00 each for Joe and I to get in, and the kids we're both $2.00 a piece. It was really fun for all of us, the kids spent most of the time with their cousins John and Alyssa. If they weren't swimming with them then they were hanging out with Nana and Aunt Michele. So Joe and I were able to have some fun of our own. I personally liked the slides, John, Alyssa and Myself raced each other quite a few times down the slides. We also had a lot of fun on this rope thing where you held onto ropes and had to walk on moving objects in the water. We were also trying to beat each other's times on that. Joe had the best time only 5.10 seconds. It was hilarious to watch everyone go across that. In the montage there's a pic of Bubbers, John, Alyssa and Andy going across it. They also had this little island on one end of the park where there was lots of water shooting up out of the ground. This by far was Jacob's favorite thing. He loved running around the island taking a whack at every water fountain. There's a short video at the end of the montage. We didn't get there til after Noon but we ended up closing the place. Well really the weather did but we left right along with it. Okay I know that's enough already. Enjoy!
Posted by
10:25 AM
Labels: Family, Summer, trips, Weekend Fun
Friday, June 27, 2008
Sitting on Saturday...
Posted by
1:09 AM
Labels: Family, Summer, Vacation, Weekend Fun
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Friday Fun at Kings Island
I have decided not to bombard everyone with hundreds of pictures all at once. I am going to share pictures from each day on a few different post so everyone doesn't get bored with all the pics. I have created a montage for our first official day of our road trip. Our first day was spent at King's Island in Mason, Ohio. Well most of it anyway, we started out in the car ended up at KI and at the end of the day back in the car and off to Joe's sisters' house in Indiana. With a stop for dinner at the famous Skyline Chili. We all had a really great time at the amusement park. It was all one park but split into two separate sections. The wet section, Boomerang Bay and the dry section which of all the dry parts we only saw Nickelodeon Universe. There's just not enough time in the day. Oh yeah and Friday was the official first day of SUMMER, yipee! Onto the montage.............
Posted by
11:33 PM
Labels: Family, Pictures, Summer, trips, Weekend Fun
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Hittin' the Road...
We are hitting the road later on today for our short trip to Indiana, to see some family. We will be stopping for a little fun in Ohio at King's Island amusement park, tomorrow. Can't wait to share pics and I 'm sure some fun stories from our weekend. This is our first official road trip in the van. Cross your fingers for us that we have good weather while we're gone. Hope everyone has a great weekend....
Posted by
2:58 PM
Labels: Family, trips, Weekend Fun
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The things kids say......
Jacob and Jenna are always making us laugh with the quirky little things they say. On Friday when we were all out in the front yard drawing on the driveway, Joe said something to Jacob about something. That part I don't really remember. But Jacob responded with " Don't freak out Dad!" We have no idea where in the world he heard that from. But it was so hilarious, it was so hard for the both of us to stay serious. Kids really do say the darnedest things. Just thought I'd share a funny story after my rantings yesterday. Hope every one's enjoying this cooler weather.
Posted by
11:04 AM
Labels: Funny Stories, Jacob
Monday, June 16, 2008
I have been trying not to complain as much but this whole situation is making it very difficult for me. A few of you probably already know what I am about to write about. Here we go, I had a Pampered Chef party at my house on FRIDAY MAY 23rd. I asked my consultant to keep my party "open" for a few more days so that I could get a few more orders from people at work. As soon as I had all my orders together from my friends at work, I drove down to Sterling to deliver them to her. First problem, she never returned my phone call from the previous day or the day that I drove down there. One of my very best friends happens to be her next door neighbor so I instead gave my orders to her to deliver for me. My friend delivered them that evening and my consultant confirmed this with me as I finally spoke to her the following day which was Saturday the 31st. She stated that she was going to close my show and that I would receive my order by the end of the week. Pampered Chef has been really quick about turn around time is what she told me. On Tuesday the 3rd I spoke with her again because I needed to get the total on one of the orders. She then told me that she was closing my party that afternoon as she had two more orders to add to my party. Still she said I should receive my order if not by weeks end no later than that next Monday. So here we are now it's Tuesday June 10th and still no boxes. At this point I now have guests asking me why their checks have not been cashed? WHAT? I called her that early afternoon only to have her tell me she would call PC and find out where my order was and call me right back. Three hours later I leave for work and two and half hours after that she calls the house. She told Joe that my order would be shipping the following day and I should receive it by the end of the week. Yes, another end of the week. Friday comes and still no order. I call her yet again and she asks me how am I doing? I tell her not good as I still do not have my order. I also add that I have not gotten a tracking number for my order and the last time I had a party I was notified by email that my order was shipped. She tells me I am going to call PC and find out what is going on and she will call me right back. One hour later we decide to leave the house so I call her only to let her know and to give her my cell phone number. Had to leave her a voice mail. The night goes on and still no phone call, Saturday passes and a busy day for us so I don't call her. Sunday comes still no phone call. I get that it was Father's Day and all but still at least a phone call to say hey I am still trying to find out what going on with your order but, nothing. Now here we are at Monday June 16th. Thirteen days after my party was "closed" and still no packages. I decided to write an email to the customer service people at PC earlier today. A few hours later I get a email (an automatic one, I think) that has my tracking number from Fed Ex and says that my order was shipped TODAY! For those you wondering in my email to PC I in no way put down my consultant. I just said that I thought it was very unusual that it was taking so long for my order to ship and could they please give me some information as to when I would be receiving my order. So there you go, it shipped today and I should according to Fed Ex receive it by Wednesday. Can you see my frustration? I know such a long story and I am sorry but I felt like I had to tell the whole story for everyone to understand where I was coming from. Oh and also when and if I get the order on Wednesday I have to quickly separate everything because on Thursday (after work) we leave for a couple of days for a little road trip.
No onto the fun part of our weekend.......
On Friday Nana and I and the kids did a little gallivanting. Had to get Jacob another pair of swim trunks as two of the pairs I bought him were a little big. When we got home we did some drawing with chalk on the driveway. Jacob has a huge bucket of chalk and is constantly wanting to draw things that swim and go in the water. It really is quite funny cause most of the time we end up covering the whole darn driveway. Fun times......
On Saturday we kind of just hung out in the a.m. On Saturday afternoon myself and two of my neighbor friends took one of our other neighbor friends to the movies. She's expecting her third child and it's her third boy so we thought she could use some girl time before the baby comes. We went to see Don't Mess with the Zohan, staring Adam Sandler. He is such a funny guy. It was a really funny movie, I think all of us enjoyed the movie and the girl time. We've decided that we definitely need to make sure we make more time for us and we cannot wait again until one of has another baby. Because who knows when that will be. Ha! Ha!
Posted by
11:35 PM
Labels: Mommy, not as we planned, Rantings, trips, Weekend Fun
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Daddy' s Day!
Posted by
5:50 PM
Labels: Holidays
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Waiting Patiently....
Jacob when he feels like it, lately is becoming quite the little poser for pictures. Here's one of him
from this morning, while we were waiting for everyone to come over........
Did I mention that we are currently under construction in Jacob's room? We are in the process of painting, etc. his room, we are making it a fish room. We all know how much he loves fish. As soon as it's all done I will post some pics. We got him this really cute light at Ikea for his new room and also a big boy bed, no more toddler bed.
Just sharing one more pic of Jenna with her cute little shirt I got her at The Gap Outlet. It was perfect for her to wear it today for our play date. In case you can't read it, it says " I Love Play Time." She is pointing to the "L" because it's lellow (yellow). Okay so I've rambled on for long enough, I think I 'm off to bed now. Hope everyone has a great weekend......
Posted by
11:39 PM
Labels: Jacob, Jenna, My Growing Babies, Play date, Random Thoughts, Summer
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Jenna's 2nd Birthday!
A weekend of fun. Jenna's birthday fell on Thursday, in which we did celebrate it then. But we also had some festivity's over the weekend. Nana came home on Sunday and so of course we had to have another birthday cake. Jenna enjoyed it all. Please note that I did not plan for her to go in the pool in her dress. Jacob insisted on going in the pool again. Jenna said she did NOT want to go back in the pool, so I did not put her bathing suit on her. When we got outside she bolted for the pool and was in dress and all before I could stop her. It really was pretty funny. I know, enough already here's those pics I promised..................
Posted by
1:31 AM
Labels: Birthday's, Jenna's Birthday, Pictures
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Yay For Me!
Okay, so I know every one is probably waiting for birthday pics. I promise as soon as I get them together I will post them. In the meantime I just have to share with every one my exciting news. Over here at Jessica's Blog she had a post last week about these cool personalized Fruit Roll Ups and with the post she had a contest for all her readers. Tonight I was doing my usual blog rounds and there it was my name as her WINNER. I have never been very lucky when it comes to winning things. This is definitely my first time winning anything on the Internet. I am super excited and cannot wait to design some cute little Fruit Roll Ups for the kiddos.
Hope every one's having a great week......
Posted by
11:53 PM
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
Weekend Pics
Posted by
10:53 AM
Labels: Birthday's, Parties, Pictures, Weekend Fun
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Happy Birthday Mommy!
Well another year has passed and I am now officially IN my THIRTIES. I can't just say I am 30, because well I'm not anymore. This age is much easier than I thought it was going to be. It's my children growing up so fast that's not so easy. Jenna will be TWO in just four short days. I really can't believe that she's two. It seems like not that long ago I was pregnant with her. Time really does fly while your little ones are growing up.
On a lighter note, have I mentioned lately how terrific my husband is? I mean aside from the vacation to Hawaii. My wonderful gift for my birthday. Not only did I get a really comfy pair of flip flops, my favorite lip gloss that I was out of, and a very cute tank top. I got a mini-wellness day at a local salon. I am super excited about this. I cannot wait until I get to use this certificate. This by the way was a total surprise. We also went out to dinner at one of my favorite places, Outback Steakhouse.
Earlier in the day we went to one of the neighbor's house for a birthday party, Johnny, who shares the same birthday as me. It's really kind of weird because I went most of my life not knowing anyone that shared the same birthday as me. Now I know of like eight people with the same birthday as me. First there's Johnny who turned five. The triplets down the street, another neighbor has a brother in law with my bday. One of the ladies I work with has two kids (not twins) born on June 1st. Oh and one of my previous store managers also born on June 1st, ten years early than me. From no one to eight people.
Did I also mention I didn't work today, a Sunday. Yippee, only cause it was my bday and I asked for it off. It sure was nice having a three day weekend. Hope every one else had a nice weekend.
***Was trying to share some pics from the weekend but having a problem uploading, will try again tomorrow.***
Posted by
10:25 PM
Labels: Birthday's, Mommy, My Wonderful Husband