Pacifier that is, in Jenna's little language. It has been about 2 and a 1/2 weeks since she's had one. One day Joe and I just decided let's see how she'll do with out one for the whole day. She asked for it a few times and we just told her no that it was only for sleeping time. Well that night she fell asleep without an we just left it like that. She asked for it a couple times after that just randomly throughout the day, but we just told her no. So here we are 2 and a half weeks later and still no paa-pa. After the first week there hasn't really been much talk about it, so that's good. We are so excited for her she's turning into such a big girl.In just 5 short days she will be 22 months old just two months away from 2 years old. Boy they grow up too fast. Here's a couple of pics from Saturday. Notice no pacifier and I don't know if anyone has noticed or not but it's been awhile since we had a picture with a pacifier in it. Yeah!
Monday, March 31, 2008
No More Paa-Pa...
Posted by
11:44 PM
Labels: Jenna, My Growing Babies
Saturday, March 29, 2008
100 Things about Jamie Fiocca.......
1. I was born in Bellflower, California
2. I have one brother who is 3 and 1/2 years younger than me.
3. I lived in California for 22 years of my life.
4. I have been married for October it will be 9.
5. I LOVE to eat out.
6. My favorite place to eat is The Melting Pot.
7. I LOVE to eat steak.
8. Dessert is my favorite meal.
9. Every day that I am at work I eat a candy bar or a bag of Skittles.
10. I have two kids: Jacob 4yrs, Jenna almost 2yrs.
11. I have known my husband since I was 11yrs old.
12. I secretly knew we'd end up together forever.
13. My first car I owned was a Honda CRX
14. I have only owned Honda's.
15. My Odyssey makes my 7th Honda (Joe's had 4 himself) That makes 11 Hondas between us.
16. I permed my hair for about 13 years of my life.
17. My first perm was when I 10, and I had to have more than 1/2 the length of my hair cut off.
18. I have only lived in California and Virginia.
19. I never finished college... I wish I had.
20. I Love Arby's, especially the Beef n' Cheddar on a regular bun.
21. Growing up I wanted to be a teacher, that's what I was going to school for.
22. I've always wanted to own a RED car. (I will someday!)
23. I HATE that my parents still live in Cali.
24. I HATE that all of my family is still in Cali, and I miss them terribly.
25. I wish that I could visit them more often.
26. I LOVE shopping.
27. I really have a problem.... I shop when I really don't need to.
28. I miss my great grandma and great grandpa horribly. (I lost my g-grandpa in June 1991, my g-grandma in January 2001)
29. I can't wait to take the kids on a cruise.
30. I love the beach even more, now that Jacob loves it so much.
31. My brother and I never really got along until we both moved out.
32. I have always been a loud person.....surprised!?
33. In school I constantly got in trouble for talking.
34. I have known my very dearest friend since I was 10. It will be 21yrs this year.
35. I can't wait to take the kids to Walt Disney World.
36. My nickname from my dad is Pumpkin.
37. My first job (I filled in for my Best Friend) was at a vet's office. I hated it.
38. I Love In n Out Burger.
39. I got my license on my 16th bday.
40. My second job was at rubber stamp store. That job lasted 9 months until I moved to N. Cali. I loved it.
41. I Love Miguel's Jr's shredded beef tacos.
42. I lived in Northern California for 2yrs (with Joe). This is when I moved out of my parent's house.
43. I loved living in Northern California.
44. I (We) haven't been back to visit since we moved from there.
45. I have been to Disneyland more times than I can count (Joe and I had annual passes for 4yrs)
46. I am so proud to be a Mommy! They (the kids) make everyday an adventure.
47. My middle name is Lynn, so is Jenna's.
48. My favorite drink is DR. PEPPER
49. Since being pregnant and nursing I don't drink a lot of caffeine, mostly CF DP or CF Coke.
50. I don't like coffee or anything with coffee flavor.
51. I don't like tea either.
52. I drink lots of water.
53. I haven't drank Orange Juice since being pregnant with Jenna in 05 b/c it made me very sick.
54. I was married in Las Vegas at the Bellagio.
55. I love purses, especially COACH.
56. I love shoes.
57. I wear a size 5, most of the time.
58. Sometimes I buy shoes from the kids department.
59. I have a small obsession with socks.
60. I have NO tattoos.
61. I have very little tolerance for pain.
62. My ears are pierced, two in one ear, three in the other.
63. The first hole in my left ear is very torn.
64. I tore it when I was two and it never healed properly.
65. I hate cleaning, really of any kind.
66. I am learning to enjoy cooking.
67. I used to not like it, but making it fun has made me enjoy it more.
68. I am not good with directions, that's why I have navigation!
69. I'm not a morning person, I hate getting up early.
70. My nickname from my grandparents is Magpie.
71. Most people would not consider me shy, but I really am until I get to know you.
72. I love chick flicks.
73. I have watched Days of Our Lives since I was a very young child.
74. I used to be a really picky eater, but I've gotten so much better in the last 10 years. (Joe has really helped me.)
75. As a child I ate Pepperoni Pizza, Chicken Nuggets, Grilled Cheese, Hot Dogs, and Spaghettio's.
76. I have birthmark identical to my Aunt Linda's (my dad's sister) on my right arm. Same spot, size, color, same arm, everything.
77. The year I was born.
78. I ate my first salad in 2001. I love Ranch dressing. (I know, crazy?)
79. I am a very emotional person.
80. I don't eat/like seafood.
81. My favorite color is red.
82. I am addicted to blogging.
83. I am also addicted to reading other people's blogs.
84. I had my appendix removed when I was 10. I have a nice scar from it.
85. I have three sets of stitches on my chin. Two from skateboarding accidents, and one from a bicycle accident.
86. I am almost always tired, it doesn't matter what time of day it is.
87. I am only 5 feet 2 and 1/2 inches. (I always add the 1/2 in. cause every bit counts)
88. I have been it two car accidents. Both were technically my fault, no injuries thank God.(One in my CRX and one in Joe's Integra.)
89. When I laugh really hard my nostrils flare.
90. Both my kids were born at the same hospital and coincidentally in the same room.
91. I wore dental braces as a young teenager.
92. I graduated High School in 1995.
93. My husband and I started dating when I was 16yrs old.
94. I have been working for Wal-Mart for 10 and 1/2 years. This is only the third job I have had in my life.
95. I flew for the first time in Jan, 1996 and it was from Orange County to Orlando to go to WDW. Actually, we connected thru Chicago!
96. I have been to Germany.
97. Pretty Woman is my favorite movie. I've seen it more times than I can count.
98. As stated above, I lived in Cali for 22yrs. In all those years I never went to Mexico (I waited till we lived in VA to go to Mexico, and that was on a cruise.)
99. I don't really read books, it's very hard for me to get into them.
100. I love Artichokes.
Wow that was really long and really hard. I honestly thought I would never finish, but phew, I'm done! Thanks girls (Sweet, Kelly and Watt's Up), that was lots of fun.
Posted by
12:09 PM
Labels: All about me, Mommy
Friday, March 28, 2008
Yes we traveled a little again but for good reason. For these YUMMY doughnuts. This is our third time having these doughnuts.Our first time experiencing these yummy concoction's was last year when we went to Ocean City. They have a lot of locations in Md,and so far only one in Va,and lots more popping up all over the place.The Fractured Prune started in Ocean City you can read all about them at their website.They basically are a doughnut shoppe where you create your own doughnut and they make them. All the doughnuts are always served hot,yummy. In addition to you creating your own doughnuts they have featured flavors,speciality doughnuts they call them. I haven't tried a lot of these but the ones I have tried have been very good. This time I got to pick out four of the six doughnuts.Two were chocolate glazes with rainbow sprinkles (b/c I love this kind of doughnut and just in case the kids decided they wanted some.),One was a French Toast doughnut,one was a Rolo doughnut, and Joe picked out a chocolate covered cherry,and one make your own with lemon glaze and graham cracker crumbs.

Posted by
11:20 PM
Labels: Sickness, yummy food
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Out with the Old and In with the NEW....
Car that is,this is the goodbye pic of me and my Pilot. I must admit all of this happened very quickly.Much more quickly than I expected and maybe for Joe too. The lease on my Pilot was due to end in October so we were thinking about our options. Joe and I discussed the idea of the new Pilot that was coming out at the end of the year.Now that Jacob's in the third row things are a little more difficult when it comes to getting him in the car. He can't quite buckle himself in yet so I have to climb into the back to buckle him in. This is not the most comfortable thing to do.Joe tossed out the idea of the new Odyssey,I told him I wasn't sure about a mini van but it is a Honda after all.I told him that I would like to test drive one and then we would see. On Friday I test drove one at the Leesburg Honda and well I LOVED it. Before that Joe had brought home a brochure for me to look at and I really liked all the cool options the Odyssey Touring model has. I was much more interested in the car after reading about these options. I know that I've already turned this into a long story so I'll try not to drag it on. Joe had emailed several dealerships about what model and color we were interested in and we got back many responses. The dealership we ended up going to was in Rockville Maryland and they offered us the best deal.This is where we ended up trading in my car and leasing our new Odyssey and here she is..............................
Posted by
11:55 PM
Labels: Exciting News, Mommy, New Stuff
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Today is Easter...

Posted by
12:21 AM
Labels: Holidays
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Eggs and More.....

What a day. Joe and I did a little running around in the morning,some last minute things to pick up for tomorrow.Then we headed back to the house got Nana and the kids and headed into town to the mall.We went and saw the Easter Bunny,had the kids pics taken.That went okay,they're both looking at the camera.Jacob was smiling as usual but with his squinty eyes, and well Jenna has this look on her face like do I really have to smile.It's still cute though. We decided to grab a quick bite to eat for dinner and since Jacob was such a champion eater he got to go on the carousel with Nana. He really loves it.
Posted by
11:22 PM
Labels: Holidays
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Finally Forward.....
Forward facing in her car seat that is.My Jenna finally hit the big 20lb mark last weekend so we turned her car seat around,yeah.I know can you believe it my little petite thing, it only took her to 21 and 1/2 months to get there. She is so very excited to be forward facing.Every time we put her in her seat now she does her little let me get comfortable shaky, shaky thing it really is adorable.She's also grinning from ear to ear. Almost every time we get in the car she also takes her shoes off. Does anyone else's toddler do this? Jacob never took his shoes off when we got in the car.But then again there's a lot of things that Jenna does so differently than Jacob. I am so glad to share this fun news with everyone.
Posted by
11:44 PM
Labels: Exciting News, Jenna, My Growing Babies
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Last Weekend....
***I changed our slide show a bit as I noticed I was having problems with the previous one?***
I've made a little slide show from last weekend.On Thursday we enjoyed a little time outside in the nice weather.Then we played a new game that is now his favorite Flippin' Frog Game.We have played this game at least once a day (usually more like 20 times) since we got it on Thursday.On Friday Daddy only worked a half a day since it was the day before his Bday. We met in Leesburg and then went to Fox Cinemas in Ashburn to see Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who.

Posted by
11:07 AM
Labels: Movies, Weekend Fun
Monday, March 17, 2008
St. Patrick's Day!

Posted by
11:47 AM
Labels: Holidays
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Posted by
4:38 PM
Labels: Birthday's
Friday, March 14, 2008
It's Official....
Those of you have been around me in the last week and a half know that I have had a horrible cough.It has been uncontrollable at night,taking me an extra hour or so to fall asleep.Anyways I went to the Dr's yesterday and I officially have a sinus infection,Yeah! Can you feel my excitement I really hate sinus infections I get them very often. I am on an antibiotic and she gave me a pill for my cough.I have to say though it amazes me the list of possible side effects.One of the possible side effects for one my pills is burning of the eyes,yep. Another is possible swelling,itching or rash of the skin.Can you imagine do I really need itchy skin again? Does everyone remember this? With any luck I will not suffer any of these possible side effects. The good news is all this coughing that I've been trying to control while around others is not contagious.Keep your fingers crossed for me that these antibiotics start working sooner rather than later.Thanks! Hope everyone has a great weekend.We have a few fun things planned.
Posted by
11:08 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Look it's a Blog Party!
Look what my lovely neighbor/fellow blogger Jess found. Yep, it's a Blog party!! An opportunity to meet other Mom blogger's and win cool prizes. Everyone should check it out. The party is over here....
Have fun and Good Luck to Everyone. Maybe one of us will be lucky enough to win something from that great big long list of stuff.
Posted by
11:57 PM
Labels: Contest
Monday, March 10, 2008
Jenna's First Haircut!
**Disclaimer- First, Mommy made a big opps...I did not charge the battery for the camera ahead of time. I assumed it had a good charge left in it and it did not.The battery died as soon as Joe turned it on at the mall. The above pics are from my cell phone camera. The colors weren't so good so I decided to add a fun effect called cartoon to them.They look a little better this way, at least I think so.(End of disclaimer)**
On this past Saturday we took Jenna to the Dulles Town Center Mall to Cartoon Cuts. Where we got Jacob's first haircut a little over four years ago. They gave her the same cute little certificate that Jacob got for his first cut. Isn't it cute?
All in all it went well except for the whole camera thing. Jenna however did not sit as still as her brother did for his first haircut. We managed to make it through the cut with no cries,yeah! We got her some cute little bangs and just the rest trimmed.To be quite honest with you I really wasn't sure about getting her hair cut just yet.However last week we got Jacob's hair cut and the woman asked me when was the last time I got her hair cut?And I told her never.She then informed me that I should get it trimmed because if I did her hair would not only grow in faster but thicker too.So that was it, it was decided we would get her haircut.Her hair has made my baby age about six months or so.She definitely looks like she's more than two now,but we all know she's not. I am so glad we got her hair cut can't wait for it to start growing more. Plus it doesn't hang in her eyes anymore.If I do nothing with it,it's okay now,and it still looks cute. Speaking of growing Jenna is also having a little growth spurt just like her brother. I measured her a few days after I measured Jacob and she grew an entire inch in just under two months. Here's a picture of Jenna right after her hair cut, holding her certificate,eating her lollipop.My little cutie pie.
I have added real pics below of Jenna with her hair cut.These pics are from our play date we had today at Brandey's. Enjoy! I just love her new little bangs, too cute, if you ask me. But I am her Mommy.
Posted by
11:51 PM
Labels: Bad Mommy, Jenna, My Growing Babies