Joe made us a new banner, at my request. I have not got that whole making a banner thing down. Along with the new banner I decided that we just needed to change everything. To be honest I was getting a little tired of our white background. Not that I didn't love it , but I was just ready for a change. I have been wanting to change the background color for sometime but just wasn't sure about what color to go with. Having a new banner made it just a little easier for me. In changing the background color I also then had to change all the links and so on. So what does everyone think a good change? I like it, it sure makes it (and me) feel more like it's Summer. And well it's not technically Summer yet, it sure is very close... just right around the corner really.
Hope every one's having a great weekend. The weather's been a little wacky here today but the sun is out now, I think for a little bit. Off to the grocery store to get stuff for dinner.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
A New Look.
Posted by
5:15 PM
Labels: Time for Change
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend.....Lots of Pics
We kept busy most of the weekend, except for Saturday. Most of Saturday we just hung out at the house and didn't really do anything. The weather was great, the kids decided they wanted to eat out on the porch so we did. Jenna was a little crazy running back and forth across the porch.
Sunday I had to work of course but I was able to get off of work a little early. One of our neighbor's/friend invited us over for a bar-b-que with some of our other neighbors and some family of theirs. It was a lot of fun the kids enjoyed it. They bounced on the moon bounce, and ran around a whole lot and sat for like maybe five minutes to eat dinner. Lots of yummy food, and good company.
On to Monday we went to Toys r' us and got Jacob and Jenna a blow up pool that's shaped like a pirate ship. Jacob picked it out of course. It was a pretty hot day but the water was still really cold in the pool. Jenna really didn't like the pool so much because of the cold water. She wanted to go in the pool when Daddy put it up on the porch and drained all but a few drops of water out of it. Jenna really is such a character she cracks us up. Jacob on the other hand couldn't careless about how cold the water was. From the time the first drop of water went in, to the moment the last bit of water came out he was in the pool. He's definitely my water baby. We had such a great weekend, I wish it wouldn't have ended.
Posted by
11:54 PM
Labels: Holidays, Weekend Fun
Saturday, May 24, 2008
I really hate that it has taken me this long to get our pics together. But like I said we had over 800 pics from our trip, so I had a lot to go through. However Joe was right on top of things this time and started before I even thought of it. He found this really cool website SmugMug, it's free for like two weeks and then it cost something, can't remember. Anyways I am really liking it. After looking at our pics, if you decide you want to join, be sure to signup through our link above, or right here and you will save $5.00. He put almost all our pics on there and even sorted them by each day that we were there. I was just going to post a link to our page there, but then I thought well some of you might not want to look at that many pics of our trip. I know there's a few people like my mom and dad and some other family who will look at all of them. This is the link for our albums at SmugMug.But for those of you who don't have that much time on your hands or just have no interest in looking at that many pics here's my montage.......
Posted by
4:42 PM
Labels: Hawaii Trip
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Teeth...Gotta hate those little buggers
My poor little baby girl is getting in not one but two teeth right now. She really has never had too much trouble with her teeth coming in. Just a little fussiness, maybe a slight fever but that's about it. Well for about a week or so on and off they have really been bugging her. She picks and chooses when she wants to eat, and what she wants to eat of course. She was a little under the weather the first day we were gone on vacation. I think that's probably when they really started coming through. It is two of her bottom teeth, she has already gotten in her first little molars down there. I am not quite sure exactly what teeth it is, Jenna really doesn't want to let me look in her mouth for too long.
She was really fussy this evening when I left for work. I really hated leaving her, Joe said she fussed for about an hour. While fussing she would not let him near her, she wanted nothing to do with anyone. She then napped for another hour or so, woke for a little bit of dinner. I had a special greeting tonight when I walked in the door at about 11p.m. My darling daughter "Mama's home, Dada" She was too cute even if it was 11p.m. She had the hugest little smile on her face. I hope that these teeth come in sooner rather than later. I also really hope that there's no more pain involved for my baby.
Oh ya Jenna's gonna be TWO in like two weeks. I cannot believe it. They really do grow up too fast.
Posted by
11:35 PM
Labels: Jenna, My Growing Babies
Yes, We are back...
I am also working on putting something together for our pics from the trip to share with everyone. However, after taking a closer look this p.m. when I got home from work I realized that we took over 800 pictures. Yes I know, that's a lot for only technically five days. I couldn't believe it when I looked at all the files counted together, that's just crazy to me. So as soon as I get it all together I will share and I promise it will NOT be all 800+ pics. Until then...........
Posted by
12:22 AM
Labels: Hawaii Trip, Mommy and Daddy, Vacation
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
And we made it.....Finally
We are here and having a fabulous time, so much so that this is really the first time I've been on the laptop since we got here. We got in on Sunday at about five minutes til midnight. By the time we got our bags, and got our rental car we arrived at the resort just after 1:00 a.m. In bed by 2:00a.m and up at 5:45am for our first adventure. We have had two early mornings since we got here for planned activities and we all know that I'm not very good with early mornings. But getting up early has proven to be worth it. I can not wait to post some of our pics from our adventures thus far and plan to soon.
For the record I don't think our kids miss us, like we miss them. Today (Tuesday) Joe called to talk to them and Jenna refused, she was more interested in watching another little girl. Jacob on the other hand did say "Hi Dada!" and then was back to learning how to do Karate of some sort at our mall. So not really missing us. Which I guess I am actually okay with because I don't want them to missing us so horribly that they're not listening to Nana.
Hope that everyone is having a wonderful week, thus far and I will be back soon hopefully with pics in my next post. Also this post is actually being done at 9:00p.m. Hawaii time, not the 3:00a.m that it says : )
*Just tried to upload a pic, and I believe Blogger is having issues*
Posted by
2:49 AM
Labels: Hawaii Trip, not as we planned, Random Thoughts, Vacation
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Aloha...... from Phoenix
Yes you read that right, from Phoenix. So it is 3:15pm Phoenix time and 12:15pm in Hawaii and we should be landing in about 2 hours. We took off from Phoenix on time, and about 15 minutes into our flight, the pilot noticed a problem.. one of the flaps was not fully retracted. After doing a safety check of the plane, they discovered that this was indeed a problem. At this point we were told we would have to turn around and go back to Phoenix but before doing so we would have to burn some fuel. As we had enough fuel for a six hour flight, we could not land with this much fuel/weight. So we circled the Phoenix area for at least THREE hours. The fuel burning process does not normally take this long but with the problem we had, we could not fly any higher or faster. In order to speed up the burning process, the pilot had lowered the landing gear, raised the spoilers, and extended the flaps (as much as possible) to increase drag. Now, for those of you that have flown before, you know how noisy it gets right before you land??? Imagine that for 3 hours!! Oh, and when we landed, we were escorted by the fire department (as a precautionary measure), said the pilot!
Here we are now back in good ol' Phoenix, just waiting for a new plane. They cannot fix this plane and this one is now going to the hanger. Our new plane is coming from Cancun, Mexico and should be arriving at 6:30pm. After those passengers de-plane we will be able to board at around 8:00pm. Which means after our six hour flight, we will be landing in Lihue, Hawaii around midnight. This will be 6:00am our time and Joe and I will have been traveling with little sleep for more than 24hours. We got up this a.m. at 2:45 to leave for Baltimore. All in all this has been a fun day. At least we're on vacation right? Oh well.. fun times are really ahead now if we could just get to our final destination.
Posted by
6:14 PM
Labels: Hawaii Trip, not as we planned, trips, Vacation
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mother's Day!
Posted by
1:07 AM
Labels: Holidays
Thursday, May 8, 2008
It's Official.....
I am on VACATION! I clocked out tonight at 10:33 p.m and I do not have to work again for 11 days, yeah! You know what one of the best parts about the week that I'm on vacation is? I am totally missing inventory...We inventory on either the 13th or the 14th, I really don't know cause I won't be there. Really just luck but good luck. This year our inventory's going to be really bad, probably the worst that store has ever done. But oh well I won't have to be there. I don't have to wear blue and khaki for 10 days. Silly I know, but really it does get a little irritating after a while of wearing the same colors day after day after day. Oh and also no crappy customers,no complaints, this week was a pretty crappy week for crappy customers. I had one man call me an a**hole, the best was because he was the idiot. He was the one who came into the store with a lawn mower full of gas, and then proceeded to argue with me on whether or not it was against fire codes. But I was the a**hole, go figure. I know off on a tangent, sorry. So needless to say I am soooo glad that this work week is finally over.
Am I packed you ask? Well sort of, I have all my clothes together. Not in my suitcase yet, because my suitcase is still in the basement. I kind of have some of my bathroom stuff together but not really to organized there. I really hope to get all my stuff together and in my suitcase sometime tomorrow. I don't want to do like I normally do and be putting stuff together at the last minute on Saturday night. Our flight leaves at like 7 something Sunday morning, and we have to drive to Baltimore, yuck! Going out of Baltimore saved us some serious dough on our plane tickets and we all know every penny counts.
So plans have changed a little for tomorrow I still have some running around to do but I will not be getting my hair cut. I know I am really kinda bummed about it but the guy who was to cut my hair had some sort of hand injury. He's not working the rest of the week, and I am not really ready to let another new person cut my hair. Especially right before our vacation, who knows what could happen. Sorry Kelly there will probably be no curls in my near future. Still not sure if I am ready for that either. Especially with rain in the forecast. It's looking like there's a good chance of rain many of the days we are there. I am hoping that the forecast is just wrong. It looks like it's going to be pretty rainy here while we're gone. Hopefully it won't be too rainy either place.
Cute Jenna story.......
On Wednesday we were just about ready to leave to take Jacob to therapy. I had just told the kids to go sit on the stairs so we could put their shoes on and leave. Now please keep in mind Jenna always runs when I tell her I have to fix her hair. She usually says "no mama." Today was very different. When I told them to go sit on the stairs Jenna said to me..."Mama, me hair all mess up!" As she is moving her little long hairs out of her face. It really was too precious. Her hair really has started to grow since we got it trimmed. You can really see the hugest difference in her bangs. They are down to her eyebrows again. Oh and by the way my baby is less than a month away from her SECOND birthday, yikes!
Posted by
11:54 PM
Labels: Funny Stories, Jenna, Rantings, Vacation
Monday, May 5, 2008
One Week Later....
****I have to add here that yes I did start this post two nights ago but was too tired to finish it. Here I am it's Tuesday/Wednesday and the current time is 12:29am..........****
Has it really been a week already? Time is really flying these past few weeks. Although I have a feeling that this next week is going to go by pretty slow. Since it is only 6 days (opps now 4) til we leave for Hawaii. I am really getting super excited in case you can't tell. Yes I am going to miss the kids horribly but I know they will be in good hands. Joe and I both really need this vacation. I think we both are ready to not have to go to work for one week. Just that in it's self is a great vacation, then throw Hawaii on top of that and well there ya go. Super excitement.
We had a really good weekend. On Thursday p.m. Jacob found a gift card from Chocolate World and decided he wanted to go there SOOOO BAD! On Saturday morning Daddy,Mommy, Jacob and Jenna all piled in Mommy's van and hit the road. And we were off to Chocolate World. We started the morning off by stopping in Martinsburg for breakfast at Cracker Barrel. When we first got to CW we watched The Really Big 3D Show. They both really enjoyed it. We then went over to the little factory works section where Jacob and Jenna got to package their own Kisses. We also went on the "tour" type ride. The weather could have been nicer but, then again we didn't spend to much time outside. All in all it was a great day and a nice short ride (kind of) in the car. Next time we go back we have decided that we'll plan for better weather. We have also decided that we will probably take the kids to the amusement park at some point because it does look like they actually have quite a bit of ride that Jacob and Jenna might enjoy.
Jacob my little factory worker......Jenna getting help from Daddy packing her kisses
Next step shake it up!
I am also going to have to to take back one other thing I said previously in this post. This week is really kind of flying by, already. Today (Wed) not only do we have therapy for my Jacob but the kids and I also have to take my car to get it inspected so I can finally put my JMELYN tags on it. On Friday I am going into town to the DTC for a quick trip to return a few things and I am also getting my hair trimmed. It's been about as long as I can take it, I am starting to see my ugly split ends come in and I've got to get rid of them quick. Just a trim nothing fancy and we'll see how trip number two goes with my new guy. Saturday we are gonna just stick around the house and try and do some last minute things so that the house isn't in total disarray when we leave. Hope everyone had a great weekend, and is having a great week.
Hugs...too cute!
A little Heshey's trivia if you will.....Did you know that their #1 selling candy is the Reese's Butter Cup?
**Also for those of you that I have not talked to since my DR's appointment and are curious. Yes I do have low blood pressure, big surprise there. But I will not be going on med for it as of yet, b/c my Dr. does not want to put me on meds if I'm not having "my spells" all the time. For now I am to do as she advised before...increase my salt intake and drink more liquids and not just water. If I start having more spells then I go back. So that's where I am for now?**
Posted by
12:23 AM
Labels: Family, Spring, trips, Weekend Fun