Saturday, September 27, 2008
How was your week?
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3:12 PM
Labels: Be Grateful, car troubles, Fall, Just My Luck, not as we planned, Rantings
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pumpkin Picking
The kids really loved it. They had a lot more pumpkins for us to choose from going this early in the year. Jacob just wanted to keep walking and walking further into the patch. He really was too cute, although we had to tell him to slow down and wait for us several times. I don't really think he really understood the whole pumpkin patch thing until this year. After both Jacob and Jenna picked out a pumpkin we headed back to the farmhouse. They had a little cow train there and it was free on Saturday. Both of them loved it. Jenna especially, that is what she talked about the rest of the day on Saturday and most of the day Sunday..."Cow Train, me went on the cow train." I think we will have to take them back there again before it gets too cold just so they can go on the cow train again. After the cow train they went and played on the many different kid toys on the playground. Then it was about time for lunch so we packed up and came home for lunch. I think next time we go we will bring a packed lunch and have it there as many other families were doing. They have quite a few picnic tables there. Lots and lots of people were picking apples, like bags and bags of apples. Maybe we will do that next time too. Hopefully next year both kids will be eating apples. Jacob's not much of an apple eater, Jenna however does like them if she's in the mood. We had a really good and fun time and free time. The only thing we had to pay for was our pumpkins. The two that the kids picked out we only $7.00 together so not too bad. We did manage to get a few pictures also while we were there.
My little cheese ball------------Mommy and Jacob hanging out-----------Little Miss Sunshine
Looking for THE pumpkin------He found it, a little bit of a walk from Mommy and Daddy------Getting closer
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11:43 PM
Labels: Family, Jacob and Jenna, Pictures, Weekend Fun
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Change is Good!
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10:35 PM
Labels: All about me, Time for Change
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Her Name is Jasmine.......
We are now at our third week of preschool. Starting last week Jacob has been talking about this girl at school.
Last week when he got in the car on Tuesday he said to me "Mommy I met a new girl today, she is my friend." The next day Wednesday when he got in the car again he said "Mommy, I saw my girlfriend today." "She's so pretty." After having a short conversation both days with Jacob about this girl I learned a few things about her. She is not in his class, she is in the Ducky class, she has the same color hair as Mommy. But still no name. He could not remember her name, either day. He remembered that she had a blue shirt with strawberries on it. Last Thursday when he got in the car he was so happy. He said to me "Mommy I saw me girlfriend again today, Do you know what we did?" I said "no, what did you do?" He then proceed to tell me that him and this girl played hiya(?). You know his favorite game- good guy, bad guy. Total heaven for my Jacob. She was the bad guy and he was the good guy. Apparently they are some times when they are on the playground at the same time. They also see each other when it's time to go home and everyone is waiting to be picked up.
Fast forward to this week....On Tuesday, he gets in the car to tell me he did not see his girlfriend that day. Maybe she's sick he says, he was worried, genuinely worried. It was so cute but a little sad too. Now to today. When he was getting in the car I asked Mrs. Riley what class was the ducky class. She told me that it was another four year old class that was next door and went the same days as her class. Then she asked why? I then told her that there is a girl in that class that Jacob likes. I asked Jacob if she was at school today and he said no she wasn't. When I said there was someone Jacob liked in that class she asked me who? I told her that's our little problem Jacob can't remember her name. I then told her that she hasn't been at school the last two days and we know she has my color hair. She smiled and then said "Jasmine!" That is Jasmine and she's on Vacation her family went to Disney World. Then she said Jacob has very good taste because Jasmine is a very pretty girl. So there you have it my baby boy's first crush.
Such a long explanation as usual, but would you guys really expect anything less from me? : ) I think this little crush is really cute but I am also a little sad, too. Just one more sign that my baby is growing up. Who knows what is in store for me (us)? Fun Times!
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11:45 PM
Labels: My Little Man, Preschool
Monday, September 15, 2008
Beach Pictures!
It has literally taken me just about two weeks to finally get our beach pictures together. We have been really busy these last two weeks. With the kids starting preschool and adjusting to our new schedules, really new schedules. Just getting up is a task for us. Our kids are like me not early risers. They are also not fast eaters (?), they need a good amount of time to eat each meal. If they don't get up at decent time we are rush, rush, rushing to get out the door and to preschool on time.
Back to our beach pictures, I was going to do a cool little slide show on OTM but apparently they no longer offer slide shows. So I was stuck with using Slide, I like their site but I don't like not being able to add your own songs. You are stuck with their selections which isn't a very wide selection. Anyways, we had a great time at the beach. It was a very short trip, we left early Monday (Labor Day) and came home late Tuesday since Jacob had school on Wednesday. Short, but really fun and really needed for the end of the Summer.
Also in the last two weeks I have been to Urgent Care twice and my own Dr. once. The first time I went UC it was on Sunday before we left for the beach. I had a UTI, boy was that fun. The second time I went was this past Tuesday. I went because I found an unusual bump/lump on my head. You know in the back of your head where you can feel your skull, where those bumps are? Well one of my bumps on the left side of my head was much larger than the one on the other side. It turns out it was just a swollen Lymph Node. Just plenty of fluids and keep an eye on it, is what the UC doc said. When I followed up with my regular Dr. She said the same thing except if it continues to bother me to come back and she'll do an ultrasound. Since Thursday it seems that it has went down a little more, and I'm not getting as many headaches. That's a plus, so hopefully in a few more days it'll be gone completely. But like I said busy, I've been wanting to post but just couldn't find any time.
This morning we had a play date. It had been a while and with school and everything else going on it was just finding a convenient time for us to get together. It was nice to see the girls and catch up. Everyone seems to be adjusting to the school schedule and having fun at school. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Fun at The Park
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10:40 AM
Labels: Mommy and Jenna, My Princess
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Jenna's First Day of Preschool
In front of her classroom door
Pick up time
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11:57 PM
Labels: My Growing Babies, My Little Man, My Princess, Preschool
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Jacob's First Day of Preschool
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11:35 PM
Labels: Jacob, My Little Man, Pictures, Preschool